Category: Quantity Surveying
Hiring a Quantity Surveyor for On-Site Evaluations: Why It’s So Important
If you don’t think hiring a quantity surveyor to carry out on-site valuations is important, simply Imagine the following scenario: Having reached a critical point in your latest construction project, the building contractor you hired decides to pick up their tools and head to another job, leaving the work unfinished. The worst part? You’ve already…
Hiring a Quantity Surveyor: The Benefits for Construction Contractors
As a construction contractor, you don’t need us to tell you what a competitive space your industry can be, but can hiring a quantity surveyor really help you get the upper hand? The short answer is yes, yes it can. Whether you’re a newly established firm striving to make your mark, or a seasoned veteran…
What Does a Quantity Surveyor Do? Your Complete Guide to Hiring Quantity Surveying Services
Quantity Surveyors approach each new project with one very clear goal in mind: Work with contractors and clients to ensure that cost savings on a construction project do not come at the expense of premium quality workmanship or materials. On the surface, that may sound simple, but look a little closer and you’ll discover that…