How a cost estimator helps you win more work

Why Pay a Professional Cost Estimator When I Can Create Estimates Myself?

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Why paying a professional cost estimator may save you more money than doing your cost estimates yourself…

As a professional contractor, you know all too well what a difference an accurate cost estimate can make to the success of every project you work on.

Yet what you may not be so sure of is why you’d ever want to hand over your hard-earned money to a professional cost estimator.

After all, isn’t estimating a simple enough process that you could easily do it on your own for free?

Not always.

Sure, you could certainly put an estimate together, but when you work with an experienced estimator who knows exactly how to create quotes that win projects by keeping costs low and quality high, you significantly increase your chances of winning those all-important big contracts.

Besides – if you’re spending all your precious time on doing your own cost estimates, is it really free?

The True Cost of DIY Estimating

We’ve all heard the old adage that time equals money.

This is certainly true in our industry.

As a contractor, that time you spend plowing through the paperwork is time you could be better investing in growing your business.

Think about it:

Where do your skills really lie? Stuck in an office pricing up projects or out there, winning new clients and bringing their plans to life on site?

It’s the latter, isn’t it?

So why spend a second longer stuck behind a desk when you could be getting out and delivering value for your clients?

Not that freeing up your time is the only reason to outsource your estimates. In doing so, you work with a professional whose sole priority is to help you grow your business.

You get to spend time out on site ensuring your clients are happy whilst at the same time, you also get an accurate, effective estimate designed to help you land that next big job.

This brings us onto the second major benefit of outsourcing to a professional cost estimator.

Expert Estimates That Save You Money and Increase Your Profits

Outsourcing your cost estimates is like having your own in-house estimator, albeit with none of the excess expense and logistical problems involved.

When shopping around to find the best estimating service, look for a professional who will take the time to really understand you, your business, and your goals when it comes to winning new projects.

Only once you’re 100% happy that you and your estimator are on the same page should they get to work, drawing on their years of experience to produce a winning estimate that saves you and your clients money.

Ultimately, these savings should be greater than the cost of the estimate itself, resulting in higher revenues and more long-term work for your business.



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